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In 1145–1146, Sayf al-Dawla returned to al-Andalus to create an independent kingdom and return the Banū Hūd of Zaragoza to prominence. His task was a difficult one, not least because he’d spent a decade serving the Christian king Alfonso VII. After a year of campaigning, Sayf al-Dawla secured a base of support in Murcia. However, he died shortly after his coronation in a battle with Christian allies who were allegedly sent by Alfonso to help him. In addition to providing an explanation for the battle and his death, the article examines how Sayf al-Dawla promoted the legitimacy of his state through his coinage, adherence to Andalusī traditions, and a network of fellow exiles. It interprets the Zaragozan ?ā’ifa as a moveable faction rather than a fixed geographical entity and connects Sayf al-Dawla’s kingdom to later movements to demonstrate how his actions preserved the Banū Hūd’s prestige in Andalusī imaginations.  相似文献   
传统武术信仰就是中国人对传统武术技艺、文化的实践以及精神追求。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、历史学研究方法等对我国传统武术的信仰内容、消解过程、危机原因等进行了深入的剖析和反思。研究认为:中华武术是构成中国人身体领域中的信仰,这一信仰在近一个世纪里渐渐出现了危机,信仰的危机才是中华武术发展没落的根源。结论认为:要拯救传统武术,必先拯救传统武术的信仰,即恢复民众对传统武术的珍爱。无疑,对中华武术的文化自尊、自信是恢复信仰的思想认知前提;重新找回没落的传统武术技击之道是恢复信仰的核心任务;潜心务实、拒绝虚假繁荣,回归传统武术本然才是传统武术人文精神重生的路向。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、历史分析研究方法,以林语堂“闲适文学”之东冷西热现象为借鉴启示,对武术修身在清末民初、民国迄今所遭遇的历史境遇和今天所迎来的时代发展机遇进行论述。旨在呼吁新时期社会条件下,修身将作为武术之一重要价值的彰显,以促进武术未来发展之路更加宽广。主要结论:1)是社会历史发展的现实基础而非林语堂“闲适文学”的优劣,决定了其“东冷西热”现象的发生,及其独特的历史命运和遭际。2)修身在武术研究中地位的历史演绎,经历了清末民初作为提升武术文化层次和社会地位的主要抓手,到民国迄今伴随“科学”彰显对武术修身的理论忌讳及掩蔽这样两个历史节点。3)当今社会语境下修身又迎来了适宜的成长土壤;武术研究者应紧扣时代脉搏,关注修身这一武术理论研究新动向;既是武术之理论研究跟随历史演进步伐,更广层面、更深层次地造福于人类生活,也是武术自身能够在当今社会获得更广阔发展空间的一条重要途径。  相似文献   
后脱钩时代,全国单项体育协会坚持依法自治不仅是"依法治体"的基本要求,而且也是脱钩改革有效落实的基本保证。针对全国单项体育协会存在的自治权性质界定不统一、非营利性属性规定不明确、体育行政权力异化、内部法人治理机制不健全的法治困境,从实体和程序上两方面来保障实现全国单项体育协会自治的法治化,以便真正实现单项协会的实体化,具体提出了单项协会自治主体性质的明确、相关法律规定的完善、非营利性标准的明晰界定等措施。  相似文献   
采用文献资料、文本分析等研究方法,运用文化学、传播学和社会学等多学科理论知识,以建设社会主义文化强国国家意志为引领,对新时代中国武术传承发展的时代境遇、面临困境和应对策略进行了学理上分析与设计。认为,建设文化强国的国家意志,助推民族历史发展彰显的独特文化效益和深度国际传播多元势力透显的使命担当,为中国武术当代发展创造了新机遇和新空间。而新时期文化的现代话语体系挤压着中国武术传统的话语空间,文化全球化横向传播方式削减着中国武术纵向代际传承效益,文化发展的同质化趋势消解着中国武术异质化传承栖息地等现实困境,迫切需要有序开启从传统向现代转型尤应注重中国武术价值观传承,以内承外传实现代际传承与同辈横向交流效益,构建中国武术文化多样性推进其传承发展时代认同三位一体推进路径,进行精准施策与理性应对。  相似文献   
Topic evolution has been described by many approaches from a macro level to a detail level, by extracting topic dynamics from text in literature and other media types. However, why the evolution happens is less studied. In this paper, we focus on whether and how the keyword semantics can invoke or affect the topic evolution. We assume that the semantic relatedness among the keywords can affect topic popularity during literature surveying and citing process, thus invoking evolution. However, the assumption is needed to be confirmed in an approach that fully considers the semantic interactions among topics. Traditional topic evolution analyses in scientometric domains cannot provide such support because of using limited semantic meanings. To address this problem, we apply the Google Word2Vec, a deep learning language model, to enhance the keywords with more complete semantic information. We further develop the semantic space as an urban geographic space. We analyze the topic evolution geographically using the measures of spatial autocorrelation, as if keywords are the changing lands in an evolving city. The keyword citations (keyword citation counts one when the paper containing this keyword obtains a citation) are used as an indicator of keyword popularity. Using the bibliographical datasets of the geographical natural hazard field, experimental results demonstrate that in some local areas, the popularity of keywords is affecting that of the surrounding keywords. However, there are no significant impacts on the evolution of all keywords. The spatial autocorrelation analysis identifies the interaction patterns (including High-High leading, High-Low suppressing) among the keywords in local areas. This approach can be regarded as an analyzing framework borrowed from geospatial modeling. Moreover, the prediction results in local areas are demonstrated to be more accurate if considering the spatial autocorrelations.  相似文献   
2019年国际篮联篮球世界杯在中国圆满举行,广州作为分赛场,承接了西班牙、波多黎各、突尼斯以及伊朗四支代表队的小组比赛6场。通过对广州赛区四支队伍在小组赛中的表现技术进行分析,并对比中国队在本次赛事中的表现,发现中国男篮在备赛与参赛阶段,存在大赛目标不清晰,心理训练与细节训练不足,教练团队执教水平不稳定,篮球基本功不扎实等一系列问题,反映出我国篮球的发展正处于困境。系统地分析广州小组赛中四支队伍的赛况,并与中国队做出对比,有针对性地提出建议,为中国篮球的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
审视中国古代镖局中镖师武术的技术特征、传承传播、发展演变,能够再现早期武术发展状况,丰富武术历史研究内容,还可总结历史经验,为新时代推广武术、弘扬武术文化提供借鉴。运用文献资料法和历史分析法,就镖局对清末民初武术发展之推动作用进行分析。认为,镖局是实现武术功能职业化转型的重要组织,推动了武术的顺时代创新演变,开辟了多元的武术传播途径,稳固了师徒传承方式,推动了武术价值的多元化发展,促进了暗器、轻功等罕见武技的深造与传承,为“以武报国”提供了重要的物力支撑。  相似文献   

Supporting global health priorities through the development of robust health science librarianship partnerships is of significant importance. Increased demand for synthesizing evidence-based information, collating quality resources, and increasing research productivity to improve human health requires integration of library and information science skills and expertise. The Health Sciences Library (HSL) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), exists to be an indispensable partner in health information and knowledge, teaching and learning, and research. As global efforts at UNC expanded, the HSL sought to ensure that our global engagement strategy and integration were aligned with campus priorities and partner needs. The HSL created a global research partnership plan: identify resources that improve efficiency, increase access to information, build in-country capacity and expertise—all while strengthening collaborations across multiple countries. Creating a meaningful and sustainable engagement strategy was central to envisioning our path forward and can be used as a framework for consideration by librarians in similar settings.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 经典阅读处于学生通识教育的核心环节,大学经典推荐书目在"读什么""怎么读"的核心教育环节发挥着重要作用。分析和确立大学经典推荐书目的遴选标准,探究其发展特点,对于优化经典书目编制、推动经典阅读,具有十分重要的意义。[方法/过程] 通过网络调研和电话访谈梳理部分"双一流"高校的官方经典推荐书目,分析我国高校经典推荐书目的产生过程与背景。[结果/结论] 大学经典推荐书目在遴选上重视中国传统经典,也注重借鉴西方经典;人文社会科学经典与自然科学经典遴选相对均衡;发掘元典书目新生,重视充实有价值的影响书目。同时,在阅读推广实践中,呈现出尊重阅读主体、重视首因效应发挥、丰富创新推介载体,以及差异化、层次化、定制化的发展特点,体现出高校党政领导的重视和图书馆的主动作为。  相似文献   
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